Change has become a constant when it comes to Salman Khan's film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. ETimes has brought you many updates from the numerous changes to this film's production and cast. Well, the latest development is with respect to the film's title. ETimes has learnt from trusted sources that Salman Khan is now planning to go back to the original title of the film which is Bhaijaan.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Change has become a constant when it comes to Salman Khan's film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. ETimes has brought you many updates from the numerous changes to this film's production and cast. Well, the latest development is with respect to the film's title. ETimes has learnt from trusted sources that Salman Khan is now planning to go back to the original title of the film which is Bhaijaan.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Change has become a constant when it comes to Salman Khan's film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. ETimes has brought you many updates from the numerous changes to this film's production and cast. Well, the latest development is with respect to the film's title. ETimes has learnt from trusted sources that Salman Khan is now planning to go back to the original title of the film which is Bhaijaan.
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