Renowned singer B Praak, in a heartfelt interview, opened up about the devastating loss of his newborn son, Fazza. He emotionally described the unbearable pain of losing a child, comparing it to carrying the heaviest weight imaginable. Praak also revealed the lingering pain his wife, Meera Bachan, carries, expressing her wish to have seen their son one last time.
from Latest and Trending Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Renowned singer B Praak, in a heartfelt interview, opened up about the devastating loss of his newborn son, Fazza. He emotionally described the unbearable pain of losing a child, comparing it to carrying the heaviest weight imaginable. Praak also revealed the lingering pain his wife, Meera Bachan, carries, expressing her wish to have seen their son one last time.
from Latest and Trending Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Renowned singer B Praak, in a heartfelt interview, opened up about the devastating loss of his newborn son, Fazza. He emotionally described the unbearable pain of losing a child, comparing it to carrying the heaviest weight imaginable. Praak also revealed the lingering pain his wife, Meera Bachan, carries, expressing her wish to have seen their son one last time.
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