Sudip Sharma, the creative mind behind hits like NH10, Udta Punjab, Paatal Lok, and Kohrra, recently shared his concerns about the portrayal of violence in mainstream cinema, which seemed like an indirect criticism against Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor. He expressed being disturbed by such depictions, highlighting scenes where a single individual enters a hotel with a weapon and kills numerous people without any mention of the police.
from Latest and Trending Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Sudip Sharma, the creative mind behind hits like NH10, Udta Punjab, Paatal Lok, and Kohrra, recently shared his concerns about the portrayal of violence in mainstream cinema, which seemed like an indirect criticism against Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor. He expressed being disturbed by such depictions, highlighting scenes where a single individual enters a hotel with a weapon and kills numerous people without any mention of the police.
from Latest and Trending Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Sudip Sharma, the creative mind behind hits like NH10, Udta Punjab, Paatal Lok, and Kohrra, recently shared his concerns about the portrayal of violence in mainstream cinema, which seemed like an indirect criticism against Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor. He expressed being disturbed by such depictions, highlighting scenes where a single individual enters a hotel with a weapon and kills numerous people without any mention of the police.
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