Just days after a preliminary probe by the Uttarakhand health department suggested that many of the four lakh Covid test results issued during the Kumbh festival in Haridwar were fake, a detailed investigation — running into 1,600 pages and accessed by TOI — has found that at least 1 lakh test reports were forged by a private agency.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India https://ift.tt/3vmGa4H
Just days after a preliminary probe by the Uttarakhand health department suggested that many of the four lakh Covid test results issued during the Kumbh festival in Haridwar were fake, a detailed investigation — running into 1,600 pages and accessed by TOI — has found that at least 1 lakh test reports were forged by a private agency.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India https://ift.tt/3vmGa4H
Just days after a preliminary probe by the Uttarakhand health department suggested that many of the four lakh Covid test results issued during the Kumbh festival in Haridwar were fake, a detailed investigation — running into 1,600 pages and accessed by TOI — has found that at least 1 lakh test reports were forged by a private agency.
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