The SIT took Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish, Ankit and two members of the convoy — Shekhar Bharti and Lateef — to Kheri on Thursday to recreate the crime scene, with forensic experts from Lucknow examining the site. Vehicles like the ones in the minister’s convoy that day were brought in and dummies placed to represent protesting farmers. Media was not allowed entry. Ashish stayed on in the police jeep while the three others were asked to step out.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
The SIT took Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish, Ankit and two members of the convoy — Shekhar Bharti and Lateef — to Kheri on Thursday to recreate the crime scene, with forensic experts from Lucknow examining the site. Vehicles like the ones in the minister’s convoy that day were brought in and dummies placed to represent protesting farmers. Media was not allowed entry. Ashish stayed on in the police jeep while the three others were asked to step out.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
The SIT took Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish, Ankit and two members of the convoy — Shekhar Bharti and Lateef — to Kheri on Thursday to recreate the crime scene, with forensic experts from Lucknow examining the site. Vehicles like the ones in the minister’s convoy that day were brought in and dummies placed to represent protesting farmers. Media was not allowed entry. Ashish stayed on in the police jeep while the three others were asked to step out.
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