The chief judicial magistrate (CJM) of Lakhimpur Kheri on Wednesday denied bail to Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish. The special investigation team (SIT) probing the violence made two more arrests on Wednesday — Ashish’s friend Ankit Das, who owns the black Fortuner in the three-car convoy that allegedly ran farmers over that day, and a man identified as Lateef, who was reportedly part of the convoy and fired shots in the air.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
The chief judicial magistrate (CJM) of Lakhimpur Kheri on Wednesday denied bail to Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish. The special investigation team (SIT) probing the violence made two more arrests on Wednesday — Ashish’s friend Ankit Das, who owns the black Fortuner in the three-car convoy that allegedly ran farmers over that day, and a man identified as Lateef, who was reportedly part of the convoy and fired shots in the air.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
The chief judicial magistrate (CJM) of Lakhimpur Kheri on Wednesday denied bail to Union minister Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish. The special investigation team (SIT) probing the violence made two more arrests on Wednesday — Ashish’s friend Ankit Das, who owns the black Fortuner in the three-car convoy that allegedly ran farmers over that day, and a man identified as Lateef, who was reportedly part of the convoy and fired shots in the air.
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