As of Thursday, India had administered just over 78.1 lakh doses of the precaution doses to those below 60 years of age, an average of about 81,000 doses a day since the third shot was made available to this age group on April 10.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
As of Thursday, India had administered just over 78.1 lakh doses of the precaution doses to those below 60 years of age, an average of about 81,000 doses a day since the third shot was made available to this age group on April 10.
from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India
As of Thursday, India had administered just over 78.1 lakh doses of the precaution doses to those below 60 years of age, an average of about 81,000 doses a day since the third shot was made available to this age group on April 10.
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