Recently we have seen several film stalwarts passing away one after the other such as Krishna, Krishnam Raju, Kaikala Sathyanarayana and Chalapathi Rao. Now, there is yet another tragedy in the southern film industry. Popular Tamil-Telugu story writer Shri. Balamurugan, who wrote several films in Tamil film Industry besides writing a few Telugu cinema has passed away today. He was 86 years old and was unwell.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Recently we have seen several film stalwarts passing away one after the other such as Krishna, Krishnam Raju, Kaikala Sathyanarayana and Chalapathi Rao. Now, there is yet another tragedy in the southern film industry. Popular Tamil-Telugu story writer Shri. Balamurugan, who wrote several films in Tamil film Industry besides writing a few Telugu cinema has passed away today. He was 86 years old and was unwell.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Recently we have seen several film stalwarts passing away one after the other such as Krishna, Krishnam Raju, Kaikala Sathyanarayana and Chalapathi Rao. Now, there is yet another tragedy in the southern film industry. Popular Tamil-Telugu story writer Shri. Balamurugan, who wrote several films in Tamil film Industry besides writing a few Telugu cinema has passed away today. He was 86 years old and was unwell.
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