Kiara Advani said that online trolling over her bridal picture with Kartik Aaryan from SatyaPrem Ki Katha got to her and she was not able to brush it off. Eventually, Sidharth Malhotra gave Kiara some words of wisdom and helped her move on.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Kiara Advani said that online trolling over her bridal picture with Kartik Aaryan from SatyaPrem Ki Katha got to her and she was not able to brush it off. Eventually, Sidharth Malhotra gave Kiara some words of wisdom and helped her move on.
from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India
Kiara Advani said that online trolling over her bridal picture with Kartik Aaryan from SatyaPrem Ki Katha got to her and she was not able to brush it off. Eventually, Sidharth Malhotra gave Kiara some words of wisdom and helped her move on.
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